Monthly Archives: December 2018

011 : This Ever Happen To You Guys?

Vada returns, even without David Spade for a fun filled eleventh episode! We recap Thanksgiving as well as talk about a variety of things including; grocery store crop dusting, body odor, parent shaming, knowing your coworkers favorite position, Christmas movies, the dating game, Ancestry, roadkill, Christmas cookies, advent calendars, cooked vegetables, Christmas songs, Queen, seeing movies by yourself, about 8 “That’s What She Saids,” and so much more including a trip to the Bucket O’Randomness!

Brought to you by The Sidecar Lounge in downtown Wenatchee, WA. Please enjoy!

010 : Garlic Mashed Potatoes

The big day arrived, and the Chicken Fucker himself, Kevin Souzasaurus Rex joined the gang to talk about nothing. Drinks were shared, and not much got accomplished. That only makes the episode more entertaining. From finding out who the Souzasaurus is, to various discussions around sex, guns, and more random crap. This may not be the episode for everyone, yet we believe that everyone should listen. Once you have, you can join the #BlameSouza movement. There is no one in the world quite like the Souzasaurus, listen and find out what we mean.